How to Convert Long Video into Shorts

 How you will convert your Long video into shorts to make your YouTube, Instagram and TikTok account Viral.

In this post we will learn how to make shorts, Reels from own video and re-uploaded to make our channel viral,bacause Shorts and Reels are trending in All Social Media account.

Let Start the fun🌟✌️👍

1: Download and Install Video Splitter from pay Store

2: Open Video Splitter and Choose Long Video from Phone Gallery

After installing, open the app and select the video you want to convert into short.
After selecting video, their are two options of 15sceonds or 30 second each short, your select your choice. And click on save. Then your long video will be convert into short with in 2,3 minutes.

3.Make shorts, reels of Customize Length

If you want shorts, reels on other than 15, 30 seconds, then you click on customize split button and select you choice seconds 35, 40,50 ,70 second and so on. For more help Screen shot is given below.

4. Click on Save button when you select shorts, reels Duration

After selecting your choice duration of shorts 15, 30, 60 second you click on save button, the process of splitting will be start, and it will take few minutes. After completing the process your Reel, shorts will be shown in the phone Gallery.
screenshort is given below.

Thanks for reading our post, Now you reupload the video on your YouTube channel into shorts form and make your channel Viral, because Shorts have more reach and engagement. And people also like Shorts and reels, instead of watching long videos.

5.  Now use this trick as a Home base job/Business and earn money online

Due to each Social media platform prefer to shorts and reels , and  each person want to make their shorts more attractive and beautiful, and there are hundreds thousands people they want more views on their Short and reels, so you work on Fiverr, and other online platform to make and edit their short and reels attractive and earn money from them. For help I give fiverr screen short of seller.

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